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1. A project manager is unsure if a new project is aligned with the company's long-term goals and objectives. What should the project manager do next?

A. Compare the company's project practices to those of comparable projects.

B. Review the company's best practices and regulations.

C. Consult the company's strategic plan.

D. Run the project based on the company's strategic lessons learned.

1. 项目经理不确定新项目是否与公司的长期目标相符。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?

A. 将公司的项目实践与类似项目的项目实践对比。

B. 审查公司的最佳实践和规定。

C. 咨询公司的战略规划。

D. 根据公司的战略经验教训管理项目。




2. A stakeholder is requesting a major change to the project scope. The change is of vital repentances to the stakeholder. The project manage performs the necessary analysis of the change and finds that, because of the impact on project cost and schedule. It needs to be approved by the change control board (CCB). The CCB denies the change.What should the project manage do next?

A. Implement the change despite the decision made by the CCB,because the change is vital to the stakeholder and to the success of the project.

B. Include the decision from the CCB in the change lag;notify the stakeholders and the project team of the situation.

C. Recommend that the project be stopped and new requirements gathering should be performed.

D. Meet with the CCB memebers individually to influence them to change their decision.

2. 项目相关方要求对项目范围进行重大变更。该变更对于相关方来说至关重要。项目经理对变更开展了必要分析,现由于对项目成本和进度产生的影响,变更需要得到变更控制委员会(CCB)的批准,但CCB拒绝变更。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?

A. 由变更委员会做出决定,因为这个变更对相关利益者以及整个项目的成功与否起至关重要的作用

B. 包括变更委员会的决定,通知利益相关者和项目组这个情况。

C. 建议停止该项目,进行新的要求收集

D. 与变更委员会成员单独会面,以此来影响和改变他们的决定。




3. A project manager is assigned a new project and discovers some experts believe the software selected will not deliver the anticipated benefits. What should the Project manager do next?

A. Start the sponsor approved project an review the benefits with experts,

B.  Create a project charter aligned to the business case and present it to the sponsor's organization for approval.

C. Convene a meeting with experts to revisit the business case and obtain agreement to use the appropriate software.

D. Allow the experts to resolve the issue and. begin resource planning activities for the project team

3.项目经理被分配管理一个新项目,发现一些专家认为,所选择的软件将不会提供预期效 益。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?

A 开始项目发起人批推的项目,并与专家一起审查绩效。







4. A client requests a scope change request after accepting the design. This change will have a potential impact on several project components. What is the project manager’s MOST APPROPRIATE response?

A. Convince client to delay change

B. Analysis infects of schedule and cost due to the change, and have meeting with team memebers.

C. If this change is critical, then implement it and inform the CCB

D. Estimate the cost and schedule affected by the change,get approval before implement

4. 客户在接受设计之后提出了一项范围变更请求。这个变更可能对许多项目组成部分产生影响。项目经理最适当的回应是什么?

A. 说服客户推迟变更

B. 对此变更造成费用和进度的影响进行详细的分析,并召开项目团队会议

C. 如果该变更十分关键,则进行变更,并通知变更控制委员会。

D. 估算变更对于成本和进度的影响,在实施变更之前获得批准




5. A project manager discovers that, due to existing legislation, a feature cannot be implemented as planned. This will seriously impact the project baseline

What should the project manager have done to avoid this?

A. Spent more time creating a detailed communications management plan

B. Exercised more strictly control of change requests

C. Hired a more experienced ground of vendors

D. Identified assumptions and constraints during project initiation

5. 项目经理发现由于现有立法,一项功能不能按计划实施。这将严重影响项目基准。


A. 花更多的时间创建详细的沟通管理计划。

B. 实行更严格的变更请求控制。

C. 聘用经验更丰富的供应商团队。

D. 在项目启动期间识别假设条件和制约因素。


1.   答案:C。书PMBOK®指南第六版P17:“项目是实现组织战略和目标的一种手段,常常应用于作为项目投资主要引导因素的战略规划之中”。所以了解了公司的战略规划,就能确定新项目是否与公司长期目标相符。


2.   答案:B。根据整体变更的5步流程,目前题干描述CCB拒绝变更,表示完成了第三步批复。那么选项B是后续的第四步:更新和第五步:通知。


3.   答案:C。由于所选的软件不会提供预期效益,因此需要重新进行商业论证。选项C属于制定项目章程过程的工具之一的会议,对于不能提供预期效益的软件,通过会议来对商业论证进行讨论审查,进行必要的调整,最终选择能提供预期效益的软件。


4.   答案:D。根据整体变更的5步流程,客户提出变更请求后,应该是1、记录;2、评估;3、提交批复;4、更新;5、通知;D描述的是第二步的评估,以及第三步的提交批复,因此在选项中没有第一步的情况下,D的描述最为准确适当。


5.   答案:D。现有立法的要求属于组织外部的事业环境因素中的“法律限制”部分,是会对项目起重要影响作用的,因此在项目启动和规划的时候,是必须要考虑这一方面,书PMBOK®指南第六版P78制定项目章程的输入及P84制定项目管理计划的输入都有“法律法规要求和制约因素”这一项。因此预先识别并加以考虑,就不会造成实施实施时才发现无法按照计划及无法符合基准。


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